Friday, January 16, 2009

breath of life

April 14, 2007

I often wonder what it feels like to be a fetus. I mean, we all used to be one, all snuggled up to ourselves inside our mother. Not knowing the meaning of love and loss, what it feels like to be lost, hopeless, unwanted, overwhelmed...
We wouldn't know how much it hurts when all hope is lost, nor the pain of struggle and worry. We would just sit there, no responsibility except to give hope and happiness to those awaiting our entrance into an existence that we never existed in before. Oh, we existed, but in a different way.
Something about that first breath of life, taking in the air, our first cry, first scream, the first time we were held in the arms of those who would provide unconditional love for the rest of our lives, is just so...real.

But then I wonder, maybe we all are still unborn babies. Are we all just waiting, floating in our invisible (to ourselves) existence, in which we don't think about anything? We rely on anyone but ourselves to help us grow, what to nourish us with, when to be active and when to rest, impatiently awaiting our arrival.
The only decision we make is when to make the grand entrance into the life that we all have yet to experience. We decide when we've had enough of simply being, and are ready to really become alive!

When we will leave our subconscious existence and find what it really means to be alive, when we will really cry for the first time, scream out loud for the first time, to be really held for the first time in the Arms of unconditional love.

To really, truly, take the first breath of life.

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