Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnndddsday!!!

Yeah, I used a line from Winnie the Pooh. What are you going to do? But yes. You know it's a windy day when you literally can't see the Organ Mountains, they close Interstates, you don't dare to let go of your skirt when you go outside, and you have your fiance walk you to your car not to be a gentleman, but to help you carry things and open the car door so you don't have to let go of your skirt. I knew it was going to be windy today, but wore a skirt because I had a big presentation for class. Little did I know it would be freaking 60 to 80 mph winds!! Good grief. Definitely staying locked up inside my apartment for the rest of the day.

It's been an insane three weeks since Jake's and my engagement. Last week I was offered the graduate assistantship starting this fall. I knew I couldn't turn that offer down, because I get paid, and it would be difficult to try to get it for the spring or even next fall. I should've been happy about it from the beginning, but we were sort of planning on a fall wedding for this year, as that has been my dream, and with school it would be very difficult. Anyway, after being a baby about it for a few days, I accepted the offer. Trying to make the wedding for this fall was probably a long shot anyway, when you consider money, planning, and convenience for everyone. I've come to peace, though, and we are thinking of having it either during spring break next March, or early summer. I'm nervous for the assistantship. I'm definitely not a natural public speaker, and while the classes I'll be teaching will probably not be very big, I'm already anxious. I'm sure I'll catch on and get used to it pretty quickly though. So because I am going to be back in school in the fall, I decided to try to just work at the YMCA again since it's a temporary job. My boss hired me on right away. So now I have a job for the summer and for when I'm in school :)

*Side note- Here's a picture of my ring! I'm not sure why it puts it at this angle, because that's not how the original is. If anyone knows how to rotate it on blogger let me know!

I've also been finishing up classes. My big project/presentation that my class partner and I have been working on since early March was finished and presented today, and not gonna lie, all those hours in the library paid off and our presentation went very well. That was the only major assignment I had for finals. No final tests for me this semester :) I have two small papers to write, a small/informal presentation on a piece of music (you read it right), and my sketchbook assignments to do. Man it's good to be a senior.

It's weird to think that I'll be graduating next week. I think it might be weirder though, if I wasn't going to come back. However, while these four years have gone by fast, I look back on some things and it seems like they were soooo long ago. For example, for whatever reason today I was thinking about my English 211 class that I took second semester, freshman year, and it seemed like I had it a REALLY long time ago, much longer than the three years it's been. And I wonder if some things feel like they happened so long ago because you've changed so much since then. I remember that during that class I was not only three years younger, but I thought about things differently and my mind was capable of less. My personality is the same in some ways, and different in others. I perceived things dissimilarly than I do now, and I am definitely more open-minded now, as a result of growing and learning, in the classroom and outside of it. I've enjoyed the growth I've experienced and hope that it will never stop.

I am expecting a tree branch to crash through my window at anytime. What a blustery day! Until next time!

Monday, April 5, 2010


This is the date of Easter this year. Also the date that I got engaged.
That's correct, you read it right....Engaged!!!
I am so happy right now, even though it hasn't completely set in yet. It's getting there though! For those of you who have the time or enjoy sappy stories, here is the full story!

So it definitely hadn't been the best week of my life. A professor in the Communication Studies department (with whom I've had three classes, been advised by, and corresponded with about grad school) passed away unexpectedly (see previous post). I had been feeling very down/depressed about it. I felt so heavy and cried frequently. On Thursday evening I went to an informal vigil held for her on campus, and this gave me some closure and helped me to feel a little better. Secondly, I was somewhat down about not being home for Easter weekend and being able to spend it with my family. So Jake, Jeff, Mike and I planned on eating an early Easter dinner at my apartment then going to White Sands to play and watch the sunset. I had invited one of my best friends, Danielle, but she was in Los Alamos for the weekend and "was staying for Easter dinner with her family" (I'll explain the quotes later), and my other girl friend was in Los Alamos as well. So Sunday comes around, Jake and I go to church in the morning, and after that I made scalloped potatoes for dinner. Mid-afternoon Jeff and Mike showed up with ham, strata, and pie, and the four of us had a yummy dinner, then headed to White Sands. We played catch with a baseball, frisbee, and football for a while and just goofed off.

Around 7:15 or so the sun was beginning to set, and the boys told me we should move to a different dune. Being stubborn and wondering what the point of moving to a different dune was when they are all the same, they told me "That one is better. It has fewer footprints" and Jake tried explaining why we should sit on a dune without so many footprints because the grounds would be harder and less sand would get into our pants (???). Whatever. So we moved to a "better" dune and Jeff and Mike went back to the car to "get some things". Jake and I sat down on the dune and looked at the sunset for just a little bit, then he grabbed me and made me turn around and face him. After some protests and saying I couldn't see the sunset that way, he started a conversation with me. By this time I had noticed he was acting pretty sketchy and thought something was up, but I had had my suspicions before and nothing happened, so I figured it was the same. He was acting pretty paranoid though, like when I would turn my head to just glance around the pretty scenery, he'd be like "What are you looking at? Don't worry I'm looking out for Jeff and Mike."

After a little small talk, he said "Stand up. You have way too much sand on you, let me brush it off" and I was thinking "Um...this is White Sands! There's sand everywhere and it's not going to stay off of us!" But I stood up and by this time I was thinking "Um something's going on" but still trying not to believe it. Then after Jake did some meager sand-brushing off my legs from where he was seated on the ground, he looked at me and said, "You know how you have said that you don't know what you parents would say if we got engaged?" (We've talked about it) Then he got into a kneeling position and said "Well I already know" (By this time I am like OH MY GOSH!!!) "Because I already talked to them about it." Then he started reaching into his pocket and I started shaking like crazy and saying "No no don't don't!" or something like that for whatever reason (not that I didn't want him was just a freaking-out reaction I guess lol!)and he simply asked, "Will you marry me?" I leaned over and hugged him around the neck and buried my face in his shoulder and let out a muffled "Yes" as he slipped the ring on my finger (he started putting it on my middle one haha!). I got teary eyed, but mostly I was shaking and I was kinda crying without the tears. We looked at each other happily, hugged some more, then he said "Look back there" and I looked behind me and Jeff and Mike and a third person (I didn't even notice a third person at the time because I was in shock)were walking toward us on the dune that we had been on before.

I turned back to Jake and he yelled "She said yes!" then I heard a high-pitched girly scream, and immediately realized, "Danielle!!!" So she ran over to me and hugged me. Jeff and Mike had, in reality, gone to the car to meet Danielle by the road, then the three of them were sneaking up on us, mission-impossible style, dodging behind dunes, and spying and taking some pics. Jake had known that I would have wanted a girl friend there, for female relief/support. Someone I could jump around and scream with. So two pleasant surprises :) Danielle had brought a blanket, some wine, and plastic wine glasses, so we spread out the blanket, cracked open the wine, and celebrated! Once we got back to the cars I made the first phone call to my house. My mom answered, and you could definitely hear in her voice that she knew why I was calling (Jake had let them know when to expect the call). I told them the story, and they told me about when he asked them, and my brother was at home too so I told him. My next phone call was to my sister, and after some nervous laughing I finally told her "Jake asked me to marry him!" She didn't believe me at first, and kept saying "Not uh. Are you joking?" And when she finally believed me, she started crying and made me almost cry too! Then the next was to Alayna, another best girl friend, and called her on speaker phone with Danielle. After another scream fest, many more calls to family and some friends pursued.

And that concludes the story of one of the greatest days of my life! White Sands at sunset. So perfect :)

Everyone has been very supportive of us and very happy :) I thank you all for that!
We don't have a date yet, but it depends on several things.

If you care to see some pics, check out facebook :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dr. Rebecca Verser

Yesterday I found out some very tragic news. One of the professors of the Communication Studies department passed away yesterday morning after a short illness. I was in shock when I read this, and still somewhat am. Dr. Rebecca Verser leaves behind a husband Gil and a 5-year old daughter, Claudia. I have taken three classes taught by her (Nonverbal communication, Research Methods, and Family Communication) and learned so much from her. She advised me in November 2009 for my last semester as an undergrad student. Less than two months ago, she emailed me back answers to the many questions I had about graduate school, as she was the head of the graduate program for Comm., and she was in the hospital when she did so.
It's strange when you learn that someone you know has passed away, because all of these memories, some seemingly insignificant or small, come flooding back. After I learned of her passing, I cried a short time for her family, and began recounting to myself random things I remember about her. The first day of the first class I had with her two years ago, I remember she began by stating rules and purposes of the class. The last rule she stated was "You MUST have a sense of humor." That's how she was. Never taking class too seriously but providing an environment that the students can thrive and learn in. The second class I was nervous for because it was Research Methods; I had heard scary things about it (but a different professor had taught it previously). I did so well in that class and credit Dr. Verser for teaching it well and helping me and the rest of the class to understand difficult concepts. There was plenty of humor in that class as well. Because my regular adviser was out of the country last semester, Dr. Verser advised me instead, congratulating me and telling me how exciting it was that I would be graduating in May. She was her usual cheerful mood, and she wrote down the classes I needed/wanted to take on an index card and gave it to me. Just a few days ago, before leaving home to come back to Las Cruces, I was vacuuming my car and found that index card, with her writing, and threw it away because I didn't need it anymore. I'm not saying I should have kept it or I necessarily regret throwing it away, it's just disconcerting to think about. Near the beginning of this semester, one of my classes signed a card for her because she had been in the hospital in El Paso. A few weeks later, I thought she was out and that's when I emailed her the questions about grad school. I am pretty sure I saw her not long after in one of the other professor's office talking with him, when I walked by. But I can't remember if that was her.
I am not trying to draw parallels or make these memories and events ironic, but this is what happened when I found out. As stated by the COMM. department, "Dr. Verser was an untiring advocate for our students." She taught me so much and even though I haven't had a class with her for a while, I still feel deeply sad that someone who contributed greatly to my and others' college careers is no longer with us or her family.

RIP Dr. Verser.