Before I post the third picture, I'll just tell you that the bridal shop in Las Cruces called me today to let me know my wedding dress is in!! I'm so excited to get back there so I can pick it up!
Moving on.
Post a picture of the cast of your favorite television show...

I had a hard time deciding between Friends and Seinfeld, but ultimately chose Seinfeld for this post. There is not a television show that I watch religiously or regularly, but Jake introduced me to the original humor that is in this show. It seems like some people don't get the humor in it (my brother doesn't particularly like it) or it is just not their thing, but I've come to love the show almost as much as Jake (who owns all the seasons). He and I enjoy watching episodes when we're together, and he swears that I am "just like" Elaine. Probably not "just like" her, but perhaps some very similar traits and characteristics. I take it as a compliment, because she's hilarious :)
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