Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fame by Infidelity

I'm sorry...I have to rant a bit right now. I am just really angry about how whenever a celebrity is unfaithful to his/her spouse, the individual with whom he was unfaithful with, i.e. mistresses, shoots to fame with her photo on the cover of magazines and cover story, professional photo shoot within the magazine, and an entire article dedicated to an interview/story with said mistress. At this point, I am talking about Sara Leal, the 22-year old Ashton Kutcher allegedly had an affair with. She is set to be the cover story of Us Weekly. However, I'm not just talking about her either. What about Rielle Hunter, the woman with whom John Edwards fathered a child while his wife was dying of cancer? Or Bombshell McGee or whatever her name is, Jesse James' lover while he was married to Sandra Bullock? And in many cases, these women are made out to be the victim in the story. Sara's photo on the cover this week makes her look sad and serious.

I'm sorry, but I just can't sympathize. Even if Sara is telling the truth when she says "she thought Ashton was separated," she is not the victim in the story and should not become famous for it. Even if she has good intentions and regrets hurting the wife, she has no reason to be the star of the story. Acting in scandalous ways during which one knows what he or she is doing should not be made into a sob story. Is this cruel-hearted or closed-minded of me? Maybe so. I just had to get this off my chest. This is why I get disgusted with Hollywood.

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