Friday, June 24, 2011

Truthful Friday!

I haven't done this in a while, make a list of some random "truths" about me. They can be about me in general, or about me specifically in this minute.

1. I decided today that I want to make it a goal to visit one national park in the US each year. Maybe sometimes it will be just with Jake, maybe with some of his family or some of my family or later with our children. So far I've been to Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Rocky Mountain, Mesa Verde, Great Sand Dunes, Hawaii Volcanoes, Carlsbad Caverns, and Grand Canyon (although I hardly remember it; I was very young). I may have been to Arches and/or Canyonlands; we've been to that area near Moab but not sure if we were actually in the parks. Only about 50 to go :)

2. I have mixed feelings about being a housewife for the time being while Jake is working and I'm waiting to start teaching my online class next week. I am definitely appreciating the break and it's actually been kinda fun being a homemaker, but I do go a little stir-crazy when I run out of things to do.

3. I am very nervous about my second year in grad school. Because it means thesis (or comps; I'm leaning toward thesis but the thought of it stresses me out). I feel like I should be starting it now...

4. I changed my mind (again) about where I want to live. Oregon.

5. I'm totally obsessed with our wedding pictures right now. We got our prints a few days ago, and I've been filling sooo many frames with them. Our apartment is bombarded with wedding pictures. That's normal, right? Being obsessed with them for a while? I'm sure eventually I'll take some down and replace them with other photos...

6. I already want to go on another vacation. Going from beautiful tropical humid weather and sandy beaches and warm ocean water to dry, hot, desert and wildfires isn't fun.

7. Yesterday I went on a gel candle-making frenzy because I was trying to distract my mind from something. One came out really cute, one I'm going to finish today, and one came out the color of pee. So I put a pinkish-colored ribbon around it to try to make it look less like pee. Now it just looks like decorated pee. Darn.

8. There are some people who I really like and who are really awesome but are just awkward to talk to one-on-one. Or maybe I'm the awkward one and I make it awkward? Or maybe just certain personality types, when placed together in a one-on-one situation, combine to make awkwardness. My advisor is one of them. He's an amazing professor, smart, funny, and enthusiastic, and I have no problem speaking up and sometimes joking with him in class, but it's totally different when I meet with him in his office or something.

9. Have you ever had a panic attack? I have, three times in the last three years. They're crazy. Out of nowhere, you feel a sense of doom, like you're not going to make it much longer, and you start trembling and hyperventilating. Luckily, each time I've had one, someone else has been there to get me out of it. Yes this is probably pretty personal, but it's a truth.

10. I'm not a very graceful swimmer. I mean, I CAN swim, I can keep myself afloat and move as needed, it's just not pretty. Which is sad, because I used to be, when I took swimming lessons at the pool when I was younger. I could gracefully do the front stroke and back stroke and could dive straight and evenly. I lost all that. Now when I dive, I flop over and my legs flail.

And now a few photos from the honeymoon!

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