Okay I cheated again and posted two pictures. I couldn't decide, as always. The first photo is of my new niece, Arwen. My sister and her husband welcomed their first child into this world two weeks ago today. As I was in Las Cruces and had so much to do for school and work, I was unable to come up and see her until yesterday, and I'll be here all week for spring break. This tiny baby has had a huge impact on our whole family. You'd be surprised at how much you can calm down and let go of burdens and stress once you have a tiny baby curled up on your chest.
The second photo is of most of my colleagues and I at a bowling party for a birthday. Grad school has also had a huge impact on my life since I entered it last August. It is so much different than undergrad school. I am surrounded by people who are way more in the same boat as me than I've ever felt anyone be...did that sentence make sense? Especially with my fellow graduate teaching assistants. I can very much feel the understanding that we all have for each other. A couple weeks ago I was doing a lot of griping because I was going through a hard time with school and life in general, and at first felt guilty for complaining so much in front of my colleagues because they have things to deal with too. But I came to realize, after their words of empathy and understanding and offers of help, that I had no reason to feel guilty and that because we're all in the same boat, we all can complain to each other without feeling guilty. My confidence has been impacted by grad school as well, and find myself saying what I want to say more often, rather than what I think people want to hear. We are all so different, yet get along so well and clicked from the beginning. It's been probably the most challenging phase of my life, but will also be one of the greatest and most memorable.
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