I wasn't quite sure what this one meant. A picture of someone and a letter that person wrote to me? A picture of someone and a letter I wrote to them? I suppose it's whatever I want it to mean. So I choose a picture of someone and a letter that I have not yet written to them.
This will be my third post about my new niece, but what can I say? I am head over heels for her!
Dear Little Arwen,
You are so beautiful and I am overjoyed that I got to spend a whole week holding you, playing with you and being delighted over your darling features and adorable facial expressions. For the two weeks after you were born, and before I met you, I was a little nervous about seeing you for the first time. I didn't know how to be an aunt! How was I supposed to react and what was I supposed to say when I held for the first time the first baby of my sister to whom I am incredibly close and whom I have never known as a mother? But all these questions didn't matter anymore when your mama placed you in my arms. It didn't matter if I knew how to be an aunt; what mattered was that I immediately loved you so much and that I was going to be part of your life.
As you grow up, there will be lots of good times, but some hard times too. Sometimes you will want to give up what you're doing and sometimes you'll question who you are and where you should be, but no matter what, just know that there will always be people who will love you. Your mother, who has been an amazing mommy to you from the beginning, your daddy, who takes to having a daughter so naturally, your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, etc. etc., and me! I promise to be someone you can trust and rely on, and come to when Mom is being too strict ;)
For now, just work on growing bigger and healthier; you will probably look so different when I see you next. Savor this time when you don't have to worry about things. I will see you in May, precious Arwen.
I love you with all my heart,
Auntie Erika