I hate the fact that there is so much poverty and hunger, true hunger, in this world. I hate that people, from infants to the elderly, are so skinny not because they spend hours working out, pay money for liposuction, or intentionally crash diet, but because they can't even afford to pay for a little food. I hate that it isn't easier to make a huge difference in the lives of these people or in the areas most affected.
The reason it took me a while to post something for the day 12 challenge was because I couldn't come up with something I hate off the top of my head that was good enough to post. That's because I was trying to think of petty things like foods I hate or activities I hate doing, but nothing seemed worthy of a blog post for this 30 day challenge.
I know there are ways that may seem simple to help out; you've seen the commercials: "Only 20 cents a day could feed a child" and so forth. But it's not as easy as that because of the way of life we're all used to. We are so set in our ways and routines that doing something like that seems out of the way. Or we assume someone else will do it.
I got a taste for helping out in the summers of 2003 and 2005, when I spent a week per summer with a group from my church at an orphanage in Honduras, giving my time and energy to various activities that needed to be done around the ranch. I loved it so much, and feel the need to do more. I'd like to go to other places too, perhaps Africa. Jake and I have talked about going on a mission trip sometime after we're married.
So out of the hate for this fact of life grows a desire and passion for actually doing something, not just donating a few cents a day, but involving myself in the lives of those who need the love and support of those who have it financially better.
1 comment:
In addition to people being set in their ways, I think many people don't donate because of fear of all the scammy and corrupt organizations out there that claim to help the poverty-stricken, but have 80-percent profit margins. Word of mouth is a good way to find decent organizations, but I always think it's a good idea to do one's homework on these groups and see if objective third parties have evaluated their operations as being charitable and on the up-and-up.
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