Monday, January 4, 2010

Podcasts galore!

Thanks to Jake I've become addicted to listening to podcasts. It started with This American Life, which he told me I'd like because it is full of stories about everyday life in America; some are funny, some are moving, some are just random. But he was right, I subscribed to it on iTunes and now I listen to it when I'm just relaxing in my room, driving the long road between Las Cruces and White Rock, and even sometimes before I go to bed. Today I decided to expand my podcast-horizons and started searching for others that I might enjoy. I ended up subscribing to a couple NPR podcasts and also The Onion (I know...SO mature, but I actually find the dumb, made-up stories of The Onion really funny). I am in the process of searching for a good sports podcast that I will like, because while I am totally all about the Cowboys and watch every game I can (usually) and understand 98% of football, I want to expand my sports horizons as well and keep up to date with all the happenings in the sports world. I am hoping to one day be able to follow all the NFL teams' stats and standings and know what's going on all the time, like my dad does haha! I also would like to learn more about hockey, as that is Jake's sport and dating him has made me more interested in it. So I need a sports podcast that isn't just sports news, because sports news is boring to me, but more like inside glances and opinions. The best thing about my becoming podcast-happy and downloading them in mass quantities is that most of them are free! Anyway I recommend you try listening to some if you do not, and maybe start with This American Life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg, I like This American Life too! I had to listen to it for a class last year, and I ended up liking it too. :P

Pierce likes hockey too, and of course, I'm totally ignorant about it haha. We'll be learning about it together!