Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Today I had an argument with my bird...

It's true. I had just done a very thorough job of cleaning his water dish and filling it with fresh, cold water from my fridge (not just the sink!) and I started putting it back in his cage when he came up to me and tried to bite my finger. I flicked a little water at him (usually that makes him stop), but he charged my finger again with his beak open. So I dumped the whole thing of water on him and left.

Now, before you go reporting me to PETA or something, I love my feather brain of an animal and no, the water doesn't hurt. Sheesh. In fact, conures like water (although I'm sure not the way I gave it to him). And I wouldn't have normally dumped the water on him, but I was already in a really bad mood and his ingratitude pushed me over the edge. He already forgives me already, and I him; he's sitting on my shoulder as we speak.

And no, you don't get to know why I was in such a sour mood already.

But I will tell you that I chatted with both my brother and sister on facebook chat a while after the Bird VS. Human incident, and they brightened my day. I told my brother I was thinking of writing about the argument with my bird for one of my conflict journals for my class, and when I told him the story, he laughed really hard (well, he wrote out his laughter in all capital letters, like this HAHAHAHAHAHAHA). I was also talking to my sister and she told me how she was trying to hem her pants the other day, and she is not good at sewing, therefore she was cussing at her pants the whole time. So I nearly died of laughing, picturing her hemming her pants, saying (apologies if the censored foul language offends you), "You f****** pants, what the f*** do you want from me?!?!" So I had to tell her the story of my bird also, and the three of us cracked up about our arguments with inhuman objects.

Getting some really good laughs out of the other two people bound to me by blood made me feel much better and less of an Eeyore.

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