The title says it all. Here are some things I just don't get.
I don't get...
1. Men who wear their pants lower than their butt. Why is it still cool? Why was it ever cool?
2. People who thump the basses in their cars so everyone else can feel the bass in their own cars. Not only does it make me so mad, but I genuinely just don't get it.
3. Houses that have more bathrooms than bedrooms.
4. Leashes for children. Okay, well, I "get" the point of them, but I still just don't get them...why would anyone need a leash for their kid?
5. The excessive use of profanity, especially in adults.
6. Accessory dogs. When people buy little dogs for the purpose of carrying them around in their bags/purses.
7. Ugg boots with shorts/skirts. Are you warm, or cold?
8. Shaving off your eyebrows and then penciling them in.
The end, for now.