This week went by in a flash! Except the kiss off contest seems like way longer than a week ago...
I told Jake yesterday that he is not allowed to do any homework Friday (today) after his classes (because he always does, and he deserves a break...he's been working really hard this week) and I am forcing him to spend the whole afternoon and evening with me! We are going to Gordon's to get my watched adjusted again, and spending time and Barnes and Noble, and going to Wal-Mart, maybe watching a movie tonight...Okay I'm really picky when it comes to Barnes and Noble. I love that store and could spend a whole day in there, but when I get gift cards to there, I take FOREVER to spend them. I still have half of my gift card from Christmas 2007, and I got another one this past Christmas, so now I have two. My problem is that I am always finding new books that look great, but I worry that once I buy one or two, I'll find an even better one later. But that's life right? Haha jk. For some things I guess. But I'll try to at least use up my old gift card today. I did this on my facebook account (it's an epidemic that's been spreading around the network), so I thought I'd post it on here:
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I really hate the words “uber” and “chillaxing”
2. I enjoy writing essays (as long as I can get into the subject), and am rather good at it.
3. I freak out if my feet are dirty and during the summer when I wear flip-flops a lot, I’ll wash them more than once a day.
4. I can teach myself how to play violin parts from rock songs just by listening.
5. I hate vacuuming, but like sweeping.
6. My right hand is longer than my left hand
7. One of my dreams is to go to Giraffe Manor (a small hotel in Africa where giraffes live and stick their heads in the windows, and you can feed them and pet them!!!!)
8. I’ve only had one bloody nose, and I got it when I was backpacking through a river and lost my balance and smacked my nose on a rock. Fun times.
9. I’ve never had to go to the emergency room for myself, and have only been in one once for someone else (knock on wood)
10. I can’t concentrate or study if my room is messy or my bed isn’t made.
11. I get choked up seeing Discovery’s Planet Earth commercials/previews because they’re so beautiful. And I love Planet Earth (you should watch it if you never have)
12. I got in trouble in elementary school for telling everyone it was “Friday flip-up day”, where all the boys had to try to flip up the girls’ skirts and dresses (it was picture day), and many proceeded to attempt it. It’s because my sister told me...I believed anything she told me :-P
13. My legs bruise incredibly easily. At any given time I have at least 7 bruises on my legs. My record is fifteen bruises.
14. I’m pretty talented at picking up things with my feet, and I do it a lot.
15. I’d rather have my classes start early in the day and end early then start late and end late.
16. I think tumbleweeds are hilarious.
17. I think the sound of distant traffic at night is soothing.
18. I want to be an ethnographer and work for National Geographic, providing articles about indigenous tribes/fascinating cultures.
19. I’m becoming more and more like my mom and I’m glad.
20. I have 21 first cousins.
21. I could whistle when I was 8 months old. I guess it was a premature talent, because I lost it after a few years, and re-learned just a few years ago.
22. I like reading the advice columns in newspapers to judge whether the readers could’ve figured out their problems on their own or if they’re legitimate.
23. I’m not a fan of math in general, but like long formulas and plugging in numbers and taking them step-by-step to find answers.
24. I still have the scar from my very first chicken pox (pock?) on my stomach.
25. I love having garage sales, especially when they start early in the morning!
I'll probably post more random facts occasionally.